The Dangers Cockroaches Bring To Your Humboldt County Home

big cockroach

Cockroaches are some of the toughest pests to get rid of. Not only do they hide from sight and reproduce quickly, but most normal means of removal also don’t work on them. Learning how you can prevent cockroaches from invading in the first place, as well as how to act once their signs are uncovered, will save you from the worst dangers that roaches bring with them.

Common Cockroach Infestations

Cockroaches are some of the hardiest pests around, able to survive off of scraps and resist all types of extermination attempts. Many varieties have developed resistances to common pesticides, and most cockroaches can survive being stepped on, thanks to their flattening bodies. Here are some of the area's most common cockroaches to be on the lookout for:

  • American cockroaches: The largest of the invasive cockroach species, the American cockroach has a tell-tale figure-8 shape on the top of its head. Like other cockroach varieties, they have wings that they mostly use to flutter short distances.
  • German cockroaches: The most common cockroach in the world, German cockroaches aren’t just found in Europe. They have noticeable dashes on their backs and also have developed wings.
  • Oriental cockroach: Another larger species, the Oriental cockroach is usually dark brown or black. Unlike other roaches, their wings aren’t fully developed and they appear wingless.

The Dangers Posed By Cockroaches

Knowing what to look for when it comes to a cockroach species is only half of the equation. Cockroaches stick to dark, moist areas and tend to scurry away in the amount of time it takes to flick on a light. As such, you’re more likely to spot the signs of a cockroach infestation than you are to spot their populations themselves. By the time you do, it’s often because their numbers have grown large. Once they’ve taken hold, cockroaches can cause all of the following problems:

  • Disease: Cockroaches are known carriers of some dangerous diseases, including salmonella and plague. Even if a roach isn’t infected, it may carry fleas and other parasites that are also harmful.
  • Damage: Cockroaches can damage building materials as they chew through insulation, wallpaper, and other items. Additionally, their greasy bodies and feces can leave stains on household valuables.
  • Odor: It only takes a few weeks for a cockroach population to breed new nymphs. As those grow, they leave behind nasty skin sheds and droppings that quickly cause foul, musty odors to permeate a home.

Cockroaches: Nature’s Invaders

Not only are cockroaches tough to kill and manage, but they are also incredibly easy to get. Their ability to flatten their bodies means that they can squeeze through impossibly small cracks and holes. Cockroaches can even hold their breath for up to 40 minutes, meaning they can crawl up through pipes and drains to gain access to a property. Cockroaches can also survive on things that most other pests wouldn’t even consider edible — some are even known to eat wallpaper. Once they’ve moved in, a cockroach goes about finding a safe place to nest, where their eggs quickly grow into more mature roaches. This cycle causes them to be a problem very quickly, but by the time you realize they’re there, it can be nearly impossible to get rid of them.

Accurate Cockroach Protection

Cockroaches aren’t a pest you should try to handle all on your own. Not only can household prevention only get you so far, but unproven DIY solutions and store-bought products also aren’t guaranteed to work, either. For total protection from the nastiness and danger cockroaches can cause, you should turn to Accurate Termite & Pest Solutions. Our trained experts can get started on an inspection of your home today, determining your level of risk to cockroach populations. If problems are found, we’ll work with you to quickly remove them and make sure they’re never a problem again.

Don’t wait for a cockroach problem to be noticeable before you act on it; get started today on total protection from Accurate.