Are The Spiders In Humboldt & Del Norte Counties Dangerous?

big creepy tarantula

Out of around 3,000 species of spiders in North America, only a few are dangerous to humans. While California residents may run into dangerous species, such as a black or brown widow, most other spiders are harmless, and maybe even helpful in reducing the insect population in and around your home. While they can be helpful houseguests, it’s not always easy to tell at first glance if spiders are dangerous and, even if they aren't, they can be downright creepy.

Spiders That Live In Northern California

California’s Mediterranean climate appeals to many different kinds of spiders, even some of the bigger and more colorful ones. Most spiders that might be alarming to see are common in gardens and storage areas.

The most common, harmless spiders a California resident might see include:

  • Cellar spider

  • Wolf spider

  • Garden spider

  • Grass spider

  • Orb weaver

  • Tarantula

While California residents are mostly safe from dangerous species, a few pose more of a threat to pets and humans: the black and brown widows, yellow sac spiders, and (in southern California) recluse spiders. All spiders have fangs, venom, and are capable of biting, but these three species can cause severe pain and health problems. Fortunately, they are much rarer to find around the house.

These pests can be a nuisance and, at times, a danger. If you’d like to find a solution to your spider problem, the first step is understanding why they’re in your house.

Why Do Spiders Come Indoors?

Spiders can and do survive outdoors just fine because of a natural “antifreeze” compound that they build up in late fall and early winter. They don’t need warmth and don’t seek it out to shelter from cold weather. So, why do they come inside at all?

Spiders that come indoors do so accidentally (being brought in on the firewood or storage boxes) or because of close proximity to food. In other words, if you’ve got bugs, you’ve got spiders. It stands to reason, then, that if you’d like to get rid of spiders, you may need to focus your attention on the underlying problem: pest prey.

How To Prevent A Spider Infestation

Spider prevention overlaps with general pest prevention in many ways. The best methods to keep bugs and spiders out of your house mostly come down to careful home maintenance such as the following:

  • Seal cracks and holes around the foundation and exterior of the home with silicon-based caulk.

  • Eliminate causes for standing water like leaking pipes or dents in landscaping.

  • Keep screens on doors and windows hole-free.

  • Make sure doors and windows seal completely.

  • Keep your home crumb-free by vacuuming regularly. Sanitize surfaces and don’t keep dishes in the sink.

  • Take out indoor trash regularly and keep outdoor trash sealed and away from the home.

  • Keep firewood and other convenient hiding places at least twenty feet away from the home.

  • Reduce clutter like cardboard boxes that make good nesting areas.

Keeping pests away sometimes isn’t as simple as maintaining a clean home. If you’re having a hard time guarding your home against pests, then it’s time to call the professionals.

Contact Accurate Termite & Pest Solutions For More Advice

If you need help conquering the underlying pest prey problem drawing spiders to your home, call Accurate Termite & Pest Solutions. We can also help you identify any potentially dangerous spiders and eliminate infestations. Finally, we want to help make your home secure against future pest problems, so as part of our services, we will inspect, treat, and give our pest-free guarantee to safeguard your home. Call Accurate Termite & Pest Solutions today to schedule your free inspection.